To dare to disturb the universe with an original, strong, beautiful, smart, funny, and fun beauty and health site.

Daring because it’s created and written by An Actual Journalist with world-class medical, beauty, and journalist advisors.

Universal because we’re connecting real beauty and health information with real women and girls who care about those things as much as we do.

As for our name, More Lovely. It was inspired by Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18: 


Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely…

In our context, this means you were born lovely. So you’re already lovely. And you can be more with the right guidance, experts, and products.

Let us go then, you and I.

Take it Easy

Take it Easy

Though Labor Day may signal the end of summer, the fall equinox, a.k.a. autumn, doesn’t commence until September 22nd . Which in beauty terms means we still have a couple weeks of potentially disgusting weather ahead.

I recently sat down with our celeb makeup artist, Victoria Stiles, to discuss creating a minimal end-of- summer look that can withstand whatever humid, sweaty, sticky days lie ahead in 2016.

Victoria Stiles: Always start with an oil-absorbent moisturizer with SPF.

Gigi Anders: Always.

VS: For the makeup, we’re not looking for a ton of coverage. Just clean, pretty, and simple to get through a hot summer’s day. I like the idea of using a powder foundation. Liquid gets runny and into your pores. To apply, use a Sigma powder brush, and really lightly sweep it on.

GA: Concealer?

VS: Nars. It has a little wand to it. Dab it on and seal it in with the tip of your ring finger. It won’t crease and comes in lots of shades.

GA: Eyes?

VS: We do want eyebrows, but otherwise not a ton of definition around the eyes. I like the Maybelline Eye Studio Color Tattoo Eyeshadow. It’s a cream that instantly sets, alone or under eyeshadow. Swipe a neutral color on the lids, and you’re done.

GA: Lashes?

VS: Curl your lashes, and, since we’re keeping it simple, use mascara on the top only.

GA: Blush? I think I know what you’re gonna say. But anyway …

VS: Orgasm. Of course. That gives a nice healthy glow.

GA: Lips?

VS: I hate really sticky lip glosses in the summer. Let’s stay away from those. Go with a lip stain or lip balm with color.

GA: Setting it?

VS: Urban Decay Setting Spray to matte everything down.

GA: Okay. And then during the day if you’re out and you get to the point of sweating like a sow?

VS: Leave your face alone. Find a shaded spot to cool down. Wait a minute or two. Then use Boscia Blotting Linens to absorb the sweat without disturbing your makeup. Follow up with a translucent compact powder on top, not foundation. Using foundation over foundation is icky and makes a mess.

Some Do Not Like It Hot

Some Do Not Like It Hot

The Fab Five

The Fab Five