To dare to disturb the universe with an original, strong, beautiful, smart, funny, and fun beauty and health site.

Daring because it’s created and written by An Actual Journalist with world-class medical, beauty, and journalist advisors.

Universal because we’re connecting real beauty and health information with real women and girls who care about those things as much as we do.

As for our name, More Lovely. It was inspired by Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18: 


Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely…

In our context, this means you were born lovely. So you’re already lovely. And you can be more with the right guidance, experts, and products.

Let us go then, you and I.

Stuff My Stocking

Stuff My Stocking

By: Gigi Anders

Where we bring you the latest, greatest, and most affordable holiday gifties that any gal would love waking up to.

Vaseline Limited Edition Holiday Sweater Design Lip Therapy Rosy Lips ($2.99) CBC (Couldn’t Be Cuter) and the contents deliver instant, un-sticky, un-greasy hydration to the driest winter lips, with a lightly tinted, sheer glossy finish and a subtle rose-vanilla-red cherry scent. You’ll want at least 20 of these. 

Stuff My Stocking II

Stuff My Stocking II

Cracking the Curl Code

Cracking the Curl Code